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Moving house can be a stressful experience. Make the process easier by being organised by having a professional team on your side.
When selling or buying a property
It is now compulsory for all Sellers and Buyers to be identified before the property can be settled by your Settlement Agent.
You may either:
1). Bring the required Identification in person to your Settlement Agent prior to settlement
2). Attend Australia Post and complete a Verification of Identity Form which your Settlement Agent will provide you
3) Your Settlement Agent will send you a link to Scantek wherein your Identification can be verified via your smartphone. There is a cost involved with the later two options and your Identification must be received by your Settlement Agent prior to settlement.
Contact your Settlement Agent if you have any further questions regarding this compulsory process.
Refer to Landgate’s link for further details :
Title Insurance is becoming one of the most important types of insurance when buying a property in Western Australia today.
It is not Building Insurance, but a special insurance for the Title of the property.
With fraud on the increase over the last few years, we recommend Stewart Title to our Clients.
This is not just limited to purchasing a property, you can take out Title Insurance for your existing property/ies too.
Link to Stewart Title:
(RCD’s) & Hard Wired Smoke Alarms.
When selling your property it is important to make sure it is compliant with current legislation for Residual Current Devices (RCD’s) and Hard Wired Smoke Alarms.
If your property does not comply at settlement, penalties may apply.
Please refer to the link:
smoke alarms:
updated in interconnected smoke alarms from 1.4.2014
BUYING YOUR PROPERTY-– Consider the following
Are you obtaining finance to assist with your purchase? Contact your Lender or Broker to discuss your requirements.
Check all improvements on the property are Council Approved – if not make it clear on the Contract how this is to be dealt with.
Are there any additional items you want to be included in the Purchase Price?
Are there any items not in working order that you need to be fixed before settlement?
Are the Residual Current Devices and Hard Wired Smoke Alarms compliant?
Do you need a: Termite/Building/Electrical/Plumbing/Pool or Airconditioner Inspection?
Is there a spa/pool on the property? Is this Council approved and are all items in working order?
If you do not reside in Perth, work away or are planning on taking a trip during settlement – make sure you let your Settlement Agent/Conveyancer know immediately as this could cause delays in settlement and have a financial impact on you.
If you require any other special conditions on the Contract discuss them with your Real Estate Agent before you enter into the Offer and Acceptance. We also recommend you contact your Settlement Agent to discuss your Contract prior to signing the Offer and Acceptance.
You can find more information about buying a property here: