CPC Conveyancing offer a wide range of services to assist people and business in the acquisition and or sale of properties.
We are PEXA accredited offering our clients online Conveyancing. Pexa is the worlds first online network that enables electronic lodgement and financial settlement of a property transaction.

Online Conveyancing – IS NOW MANDATORY for all Settlements. There are many advantages with Online Conveyancing for you the client and the Settlement Agent. One important benefit is that the ownership of the property is transferred immediately and as a buyer, the Certificate of Title will be registered in your name within 24 hours of Settlement. Another benefit is that the funds are transferred through to the seller’s bank and immediately in their bank account as cleared funds.

Buying – This can be a very exciting time for everyone and a little stressful. We will check your contract and make sure all conditions have been met on time, liaise with your Bank and or Broker, Real Estate Agent and the seller’s agent to ensure all parties are aiming for the same goal and time frames of settlement occurring by the due date.

Selling – We will communicate with your bank to be sure that they are ready with the Discharge of Mortgage in anticipation of settling by the due date. If you have other property secured by the sale property the bank will possibly be required to complete a valuation of the property that is to be retained. This may cause delays. We will be in constant communication with the bank regarding any issues with respect to the discharge. We will liaise with the Buyers Settlement Agent and your Real Estate Agent on a regular basis to be sure all necessary steps are taken to enable settlement to proceed by the due date.

Separating – Corporate Property Conveyancing can assist and offer support at this trying time. It is worthwhile to obtain Family Court Orders to prevent having to pay a large amount of stamp duty for the transfer of the property to one party. We will advise you along the way of the best procedure for the transfer of a property due to separation or divorce.

Subdivision – It is important to engage a Settlement Agent when subdividing a property. We will speak to the Surveyor and your bank and prepare the necessary Applications required for the current Certificate of Title to be cancelled and new titles to be issued on your individual lots of land.
Preparation of Contract of Sale – We can assist with the preparation of a Contract of Sale including some Conditions in the event of a Private Sale. Contact our office to discuss.